“I’m Dating Someone Better Than You”.

Moses Ogunreku
4 min readFeb 8, 2021
Wondering what to say to your ex because he texted you “I’m dating someone better than you”?”

What would you text back to your ex if they texted you, “I’m dating someone better than you”? This question was initially asked on Quora.com and I decided give a detailed answer. i was so convinced with the answers provided initially .


Wondering what to say to your ex because he texted you “I’m dating someone better than you”?”. SILENCE is the best answer.

Silence in itself is an answer. When someone (your ex) texts you about their new relationship, they are simply trying to get you jealous and provoke a response from you. Your silence is a sign of emotional security/control and non-neediness.

You are human. If you truly loved your ex and shared a lot of your lives together in the past. You’ll feel hurt by that. There’s no denying it.

Simply move on.

When one door closes, there’s always an open door not too far. If only you’ll take your eyes off the closed door.

We limit our destiny by not knowing when to let go. It’s an energy you exude to life, nature and other humans. If you’re focused on your ex , you’ll get jealous and more jealous . You probably will get envious and inevitably get bitter towards not only your ex but everyone who comes close to you. Then you close off other prospects. You’ve heard of the law of attraction , it’s real.

You are a reflection of your most predominant thoughts.

Your thoughts= your mindset = your emotions = your choices = your results = your life = your destiny

It works for both the negative and positive.

You’re the more mature one when you keep silent and simply move on. Your heart is your life. Protect it.

You probably shouldn’t be with your ex if he/she is that immature. You don’t have to hate . Simply love them from a distance.

Always , always, always take 100% responsibility for your life.

I was listening to Will Smith( Hollywood Actor) at a time like that, and he described how he was having a debate with a friend who kept blaming the other party “ it’s your fault, it’s your fault, it’s your fault “. They got stuck on the difference between fault and responsibility. Will Smith said “ it really doesn’t matter whose fault it is that something is broken, if it’s your responsibility to fix it. For example it’s not somebody’s fault if their father was an abusive alcoholic but it’s for damn sure their responsibility to figure out how they’re going to deal with those traumas and try to make a life out of it. It’s not your fault if your partner cheated on you and ruined your marriage but it’s for damn sure your responsibility to figure out how to take that pain and how to overcome that and build a happy life for yourself.

Fault and responsibility do not go together. It sucks, but they don’t. When something is somebody’s fault, we want them to suffer, we want them punished. We want them to pay. We want it to be their responsibility to fix it, but….that’s not how it works. Especially when it’s your heart. Your heart, your life, your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone. As long as we are pointing the finger, and stuck in whose fault something is, we are trapped and jammed into victim mode.”

” When you’re in victim mode you’re stuck in suffering. The road is in taking responsibility. Your heart, your life, your happiness is your responsibility and your responsibility alone. Taking responsibility, accepting responsibility is not an admission of guilt. You’re not admitting that you’re at fault. Taking responsibility is a recognition of the power that you seize when you stop blaming people. It’s not like you’re letting somebody who wronged you off the hook. Taking responsibility is an act of emotional self defense . Taking responsibility is taking your power back “.

Don’t let your life be controlled by these things:

  1. Money.
  2. Relationships
  3. Bad Dreams.
  4. People’s Opinion.
  5. Your Past.
  6. Fixed Mindset.
  7. Food.
  8. Fear.
  9. Anger.
  10. Pride.
  11. Hatred.
  12. Selfishness.
  13. Greed.
  14. Envy
  15. Bitterness.



Moses Ogunreku

Banker, Affiliate Marketer, Petroleum Engineer, Piano and Table Tennis Lover